'Every person's life is a fairytale written by God's fingers' - Hans Christian Anderson

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


So - it may seem as though I decided to drop off the face of the planet... still here :D Lots of things, but for another time. I was thinking about my walk this morning - well many mornings - but today, today I specifically got stuck on time. See, I looked at a phone app I have - and I looked at the day I gave my heart to the Lord and found out that this is my 3000th day of walking with Him. I just kind of liked knowing that - seeing the whole picture. Looking back to my time of struggling against knowing Him - to the day I finally admitted I was His. I can't even describe my thankfulness - it's my whole being; I know exactly who I'd be without Him - who I never want to be ever again... but now... now I don't know - my future is firmly in His hands. See - I have a clear picture of who I'm to be in Him and I've been learning lately how to live fully in that... the 'more' I yearn for can only come from walking every step with faith and in obedience to Him. I mess up everyday... He knows it... but everyday brings new opportunities to put Him first. God has placed so many dreams in me - so many in the people perfectly placed and positioned around me - and they all intersect into His purposes - it seems as though they're coming to the surface everywhere. That's a cool thing... a complete God thing. 

I just wanted to share the joy I found today - see, the Christian walk isn't easy - it's the toughest thing you can do - you die to your flesh everyday - every single day you put yourself aside and instead live for Jesus. It's amazing. It's worth all.  For Him we give up us; then - He hands us so much more - His plan for these crazy Christians that were thought up, created, sinned, sacrificed for and saved - all to know and live for Him. I've had difficult days in those 3000 saved... through genuine situations, but mostly through the fault of my own - through the wants and desires I didn't put aside, through disobedience, and through lack of faith. I've had amazing days too - I've felt joy, felt Him work and change in me, I've seen amazing things happen to those around me, met people that are amazing through Him, seen miracles, but mostly - I've lived. I've lived those days with Him beside me - better than anything ever. I can't describe what giving my heart to Him was like. I was suddenly embraced by this God that created me. I knew I was doing exactly what I'd been created to do. In that moment I just wanted to always be His. The rest of my walk - the walk in Him - is about protecting that - protecting the fact that I need to be His... and that I need to put my flesh aside to do so. It's about seeking Him. Reading Him in the Word. Dwelling in His Presence. Letting the Holy Spirit that was in Christ Jesus also be in us. But mostly - it's like the Bible says - it's about loving Him out. Being mature enough to walk out all we know of Him. I want to be for Him always. I want to be for Him in me. I want to be for Him in everyone around me. I more than want it - I desire it - I need it - need to live Him out! That is something joyful - and that's something that's for you too! 

John 3:16
"For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world, but that the world might be saved through Him."