'Every person's life is a fairytale written by God's fingers' - Hans Christian Anderson

Wednesday 31 August 2011

'Courageous': The Backstory

Because I'm so excited to see this movie... there will be two posts on it... mostly because I like loving the backstory and I want that posted.

Okay, I'll admit that I'm a media addict. I love movies, so much, but I'm careful with them too. I wasn't before I was saved. As my family could tell you, from infanthood on, I was a terror with the clicker and with the movies I saw. I watched every single thing that anyone of them told me not to. Funny how much Christ gets in you though. Now, the people in my life rate flicks for me. I was in Rogers (okay, Kingston is crazy for not having and sometimes not even knowing that its a Video store, not just a cable/phone company) with my cousin last week. We were looking through the movies and she was telling me about one she liked, but then she said it wasn't a 'Lisa flick'. I liked that. Even my Mom does that - looks out. The funny thing is no one did before. I grew up watching whatever I wanted without anyone really paying attention, and when someone did, I just got mad (sorry, my sisters). The thing is, the past 6 saved years, I've been trying to live by His standards, not mine. Mine didn't really stand out, but His stand in a light of their own. A few years ago, my Mom, really for the first time in my life, noticed what I watched, and she compared it to what the world had to offer; Her noticing the choice made a big difference to me, because she got a piece of who I was in Christ. There's joy in that.

Always with the tangents... anyways, usually I try to remove myself from the components of a movie in an effort to not get sucked into this entertainment news / tabloid society; It's so amazing to be behind every part of a movie. A movie with purpose. This one is about the men of God - it's about getting them ready - about them stepping up. I like that and I'm excited to see it take root in the next generations. Awesome!

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