'Every person's life is a fairytale written by God's fingers' - Hans Christian Anderson

Sunday 22 May 2011

Tornado Prayers

April 16th, 2011 1:10 PM

Accept nothing. Never receive. The Janteloven curse of my family. It's painful and its meant to be that way. It's the formula for a separate life. While God calls us to be set apart from the world, He's with us and surrounds us with a community of believers, we are not meant to stand alone. These past Sunday services were difficult for me. They were life changers. And I wanted to write about them before going into the coming Sunday. I feel like I've finally been activated for Christ. I've known since before I moved here what my breaking point would be and it hit me with full force. In praying for the mindset of Christ things that I had recognized but not removed were lifted. I was told to do the hardest thing I've ever done - Pastor Edith was coming at me with the things of God (which by the by come like a TORNADO) - and she told me to do nothing but receive. Wow, what a struggle for me, a painful battle against my control and response driven striving flesh. I felt like it was being ripped from me. All I can say to describe it was that I felt the tornado outside of me and then I let it inside of me - I could feel junk being pulled out, things being cut off, but most importantly - I finally feel like I let the Holy Spirit get ahold of me. I put aside that control and as stuff was being vacuumed out of me Holy Spirit stuff was taking It's place and filling in different wounds and holes. I was being mended and fixed up and healed and changed for His purposes. And it was breathtaking. If I hadn't had a picture of it in my head before it started, of the changes that needed to be made in me, then I really feel it would have been an indescribable experience; One of those that's just simply too big and too not of us, to keep in this head of mine. But by the grace of God it's still in there waiting until the times where I'll use this voice of mine to tell of that moment - to share the glory of God and what He's done in my life with a person that really needs to hear it. In His time. With His words. What next is the question on my mind - what could possibly be next. I am slowly but surely being overwhelmed by God. What a time and what a gift. For everyone. That they would know this and know the rawness and absolute power and strength of His love.

Joshua 1:9
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

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