'Every person's life is a fairytale written by God's fingers' - Hans Christian Anderson

Sunday 22 May 2011

The death of preservatives

May 10th, 2011 10:17 PM

Cinnamon Jolly Ranchers candies! Classic deliciousness! Fort Frances style - I haven't been able to find them here. Found them in Florida though! They're the only candy I have left. My stash is empty! I love them, but when they're done, I'm done. That's right - it's time for another Lisa cut out the sweets season. I'm a cold turkey girl - I have an easily addicted personality and no sugar portion control - if it's there I'll eat it. I knew I'd put a year aside after I moved here when I didn't have to worry about food or weight. I needed it. I want to get healthy for my own sake - I didn't want it to have the same controlling aspects as it had in the past. Weight is my last physical hiding place. It's been such a defense for me. An issue that could rule over all of my other issues. One that could get attacked without hitting the real stuff. I've been here almost 9 months now. I'm ready to start getting healthy. I want to be comfortable in my own skin. Mostly though, I want to stop hiding. To move forward. I'm still good for homemade stuff, but I'm done with all this processed junk. I don't want dye and preservatives and a whole whack of chemicals in me anymore. And I can't have greasy things because of my acid reflux, so I think I'm in it for the long haul. Plus, I'm getting my sleep in order and walking with my nephew every weekday starting Monday. Poor him, I'm a bear in the mornings. It's a full health-fest for me. Maybe I'll even start eating breakfast. Wait, too many things at once. Actually, not so. I can do this. New things.

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