'Every person's life is a fairytale written by God's fingers' - Hans Christian Anderson

Sunday 22 May 2011

Cashier pet peeves.

May 13th, 2011 11:49 AM

People that lick their money before giving it to you (especially if they're looking at you - weird). People that put their full baskets on the cash - I'm short enough already and pulling heavy stuff out of it is just awkward. People that stack their items in piles on top of each other - they're going to topple on me. Avid belt button pushers - your stuff is going to get smushed. Touchy people - I don't know you - don't grab my hand when I give you change! People that put items they don't want on the ground - I don't care what you leave just stop making such a mess - and don't do that with cold stuff! You're ripping the store off or you're getting someone sick! All of this stuff makes me laugh when not working, but today it's too much. People are not taking any responsibility for themselves. They want what they want when they want it. I get that being a customer is frustrating sometimes, that you have to wait in a line and spend your hard earned money. It's sucky, but step up. I complain, I complain - but I had some great customers today. My favorite really old guy who does the best sound effects ever, one really loud guy who was hilarious, some really nice ladies, cute babies, a lady who's a burger eater who wrote my name down because I told her I'd try the ones on sale, and a glad man who has this signature move which I call 'The Startle' - it's the best thing ever! Oh, this world of ups and downs. It's really in the moments. In how we respond to everyone. Are you going to be a grump or a light-giver? Either way - make your decision and don't be fake about it. I hate fake. Rant over. Attitude over. Break over. Back to scaring people with my tone-deaf singing skills.

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