'Every person's life is a fairytale written by God's fingers' - Hans Christian Anderson

Sunday 22 May 2011

Dollar Days: Fashion Reveals

January 15th, 2011

Mullets! Tapered pants! Exposed ankles from short pants and those pulled up Steve Urkel 'style' (these are not winter capris I'm talking about)! Multi-coloured fur coats (there is just no way that having a different colored core is going to work without spectacle)! Pink spandex under a multi-coloured fur coat! Seriously funny things! Nice people - apparently the grumpness (yep, no 'i' - I mean it) is gone by the time they get to the express lane.  Got into a triscuit debate with an older customer because I only like the original - he tried to persuade me but seriously - there's only one type of triscuit crackers! I think my problem is no matter how many times I tell my mouth to expect a new flavour I still expect the original, so I told the guy I was of a stubborn mind. He agreed - which made me laugh - and the third time he came through he said the stock was low and offered to smuggle some originals up for me to buy later - super nice, but I'm not a fanatic, I have patience-ability. Okay, I added random pictures of weird grocery items - something I just have to do for fun - I apologize for the craziness, but its what I do. Altogether good day - toe socks worked their awesomeness and kept me warm. Still haven't bugged my sister yet though - that's a joy to come, but I'm looking out at beautiful SNOW, reading my Bible dailies, and enjoying the day :D

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